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John F. Kennedy Miscellaneous Information


African-Americans appointed in Kennedy administration

African and Near East/South Asia leaders 1961-1963

Airport, New York City: The law changing the name of Idlewild International Airport to John F. Kennedy International Airport was signed by New York Mayor Robert Wagner on Wednesday, December 18, 1961. A rededication ceremony was held on Tuesday, December 24, 1963 at 11 AM. See the New York Times article of 12/19/1963, p. 25. On December 31, 1963, the Federal Aviation Agency officially designated "JFK" as the call letters for the renamed airport. See the New York Times article of 1/1/1964, p. 40.


       Bald Eagle
       Life Insurance Companies
       World War I Overseas Fliers

Appointment books, general information:  The White House appointment books were kept by Mrs. Evelyn Lincoln, the President's secretary, and recorded his workday appointments and activities.  The Kennedy administration White House appointment books are by no means the complete record of the President's activities that such books tend to be for modern presidents. The Kennedy appointment books generally reflect those appointments arranged through Kenneth O'Donnell's office. Staff and others privy to the President could and did bypass O'Donnell and see the President without an appointment being made or recorded.  Page images of the appointment books are linked from the "White House Diary" presented on this site.

Arbour Hill, Dublin: A few months before his death, President Kennedy laid a wreath on the graves of the executed leaders of the 1916 Easter Rising in Arbour Hill. When asked what was the highlight of the visit, he replied, "That was the memorial service at Arbour Hill!" He requested that a film of the guard of honor's drill movements be sent to him. It was his suggestion that some similar ceremonial drill should be introduced at the Arlington National Cemetery. On the morrow of his assassination, Jacqueline Kennedy recalled his enthusiasm for the Irish Army Cadets and at her special request a detachment of Cadets flew to Washington and again performed their ceremonial drill at the President's gravesite during his burial at Arlington.

Arlington National Cemetery: 1961 Visit Time Schedule

imageArmorial bearings of President John F. Kennedy

Assassination details:

        November 22, 1963
        Dallas, Texas (Dealy Plaza)
        12:30 p.m., CST (time approx.)
        Pronounced dead at Parkland Hospital 1:00 p.m., CST
        First press report by UPI 12:34 p.m. CST


Back brace. Markings on the brace that President Kennedy wore indicate that it came from the Washington, D.C. firm of Nelson Kloman Surgical Supply Company.

Baseball, John F. Kennedy and:  During his school years, John F. Kennedy played baseball as a pitcher (right-handed) and third baseman. His comment concerning participation in the sport: "I didn't play as well as I would have liked." John F. Kennedy threw out the opening day pitch for the Washington Senators, who were playing the Baltimore Orioles, on April 8, 1963.

Birth date: May 29, 1917.

Blood type: O RH positive


  • The Manitou, Honey Fitz, and Marlin
  • The Caroline K.: Classed as an outboard runabout. 17' in length, 5' beam. Cruising speed 35 mph. Built by Kenway Boat Co., of Saco, Maine. Purchased by Joseph P. Kennedy in July 1960 as a birthday gift for Mrs. John F. Kennedy. Powered by a 75hp Evinrude outboard motor.
  • The Flash II: A one-design International Star Class boat No. 902. Built in 1930, it was sold to John F. Kennedy and his brother Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. in 1934. After Joseph was killed in 1944, the boat was sold to a sailor in Maine.
  • The Victura: a Wiano Senior Class Sloop, 25' long 8' wide, 3500 lbs, built by Crosby Boatyards, Osterville, MA. Built in 1932, Joseph P. Kennedy purchased it the same year as a 15th birthday present to his son John from his parents. It was President Kennedy's favorite boat.

Bookplates of John F. Kennedy:   image Youth; imagePresidential


Books at 122 Bowdoin Street

Books published on John F. Kennedy: In the book catalog of the Kennedy Library, a "Kennedy" subject or author heading has been assigned to around 5800 titles. This includes all Kennedys, not just the President.  Just around 5000 books include "Kennedy, John Fitzgerald" as a subject or author heading.  In addition, there are about 500-700 titles in this figure that are duplicates but must receive separate catalog entries because they are part of a special donation of a single, large book collection. The library has assigned some 200+ headings in addition to those of the Library of Congress under John F. Kennedy's name. Thus, books that may contain a chapter on John F. Kennedy or perhaps 10% or more of which contains information on John F. Kennedy have been assigned a John F. Kennedy heading. The estimated core literature on John F. Kennedy is somewhere around 600 books.

Boy Scouts: The President was a Boy Scout in Troop 2 for two years in Bronxville, New York. He was also active in the Boston Council from 1946 to 1955: as District Vice Chairman, Member of the Executive Board for more than four years, Vice President for one year, and National Council Representative for two years. He was Honorary President of the National organization of the Boy Scouts of America in 1961.

Bridge: John F. Kennedy played especially frequently during his tour of duty in the Navy.

Briefcase:  While president, John F. Kennedy had a black alligator briefcase that he always carried around even while at Camp David or Cape Cod


Campaign 1946: On April 25, 1946, John F. Kennedy entered the race for the 11th Congressional District seat, which was being given up by James Michael Curley. The District comprised Boston wards 1, 2, 3, and 22; Cambridge; and Somerville wards 1, 2, and 3.

Campaign 1952: Announcement of Candidacy (4/6/52)

Campaign 1960: image Bumper sticker; documentMassachusetts State ballot; Announcement of Candidacy

Camp David: Located in the Catoctin Mountains of Maryland. Originally named Shangri-la by President Franklin D. Roosevelt circa 1933, the name was changed to Camp David by President Eisenhower in honor of his grandson.

Cards: imageAnniversary, imageAt Home, imageBirthday, imageDinner, imageEvening, imageLunch, imageReception.

Cars: 1959 Pontiac Convertible Coupe. Vehicle Identification/Engine #859F-1111

Casals, Pablo: Performed in the East Room of the White House on November 13, 1961 at a dinner in honor of Governor Munoz Marin (Puerto Rico) and his wife. The President's remarks are available on p. 716 of the Public Papers of the President 1961; the speech is also available through the online version of the Public Papers. Also see Ann Lincoln's book, The Kennedy White House Parties. Viking Press, 1967. Pages 48-61 include a guest list and photographs.

Christmas cards: document1961, document1962, document1963 (unsent).

Christmas tree: image1961image1962; Decorated in the manner of the tree in the Nutcracker Suite. Decorations included little straw baskets of candies, miniature boxes wrapped as gifts, small wooden soldiers and rocking horses, and trumpets and other musical instruments, topped off with candy canes.

Churches attended

Churchill, Sir Winston - Honorary Citizenship: With the approval of Congress President Kennedy signed a Proclamation granting Sir Winston Churchill honorary U.S. citizenship on April 9, 1963. The former Prime Minister was unable to attend, but watched the Rose Garden ceremony on television in his home in London.

Cigars:  John F. Kennedy smoked 4-5 a day. His preference was for Upmanns or Monticellos.

Civil rights, accomplishments: 1963 Memo

Code names

Cologne:  John F. Kennedy did not use cologne.

Columbia University "speech" information

imageCondolence Card

Confirmation Name: Francis.

Correspondence with former Presidents:  Page count of material.

Cuban Missile Crisis: List of letters exchanged by Kennedy and Khrushchev. Also a chronology of events.


deKooning, Elaine portrait of John F. Kennedy: Given to the Truman Library because of President Truman's desire to have a portrait of the incumbent President in a prominent place of the Library.

Desk, Oval Office: Information on history and items on desk

Dion, "Abraham, Martin and John"

Dogs:  See "pets."

Doodles: President Kennedy was an inveterate doodler, covering sheets of paper with jotted notes, repeated words, geometric figures, even small drawings, usually of sailboats. From 1952 until the President's death, Mrs. Evelyn Lincoln, his personal secretary, accumulated and catalogued these materials. Most of the doodles are part of the Personal Papers of John F. Kennedy and further information can be found in the finding aid of that collection. The significance of the doodles can be gauged by imagethis example from a meeting of the EXCOMM on October 25, 1962 at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis.


Eisenhower, Mamie:  John F. Kennedy draft letters to, 3/14/62: Draft One. Draft Two.

Election 1946: Results

Election 1952: Results

Election 1958: Results

Election 1960:
Announced his candidacy January 2, 1960 in Washington, D.C.:
     Tabulation of First Ballot for Presidential Nominees
First baby kissed: 7-month-old Annette Luci in western Pennsylvania on October 15
Schedule of debates:

  • 9/26/60 First Debate originated from CBS in Chicago and was carried by all networks. Watched by an estimated 70,000,000 people. Transcript available in Freedom of Communications: Final Report of the Committee on Commerce, United States Senate..., Part III: The Joint Appearances of Senator John F. Kennedy and Vice President Richard M. Nixon and Other 1960 Campaign Presentations  (87th Congress, 1st Session, Senate Report No. 994, Part 3. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1961: p. 73).   See also this page of our Website.
  • 10/7/60 Second Debate originated from NBC in Washington, D.C. carried by all networks. Transcript,  Freedom of Communications p. 146.  See also this page of our Website.
  • 10/13/60 Third Debate entitled "Face-to-Face, Nixon-Kennedy" originated ABC Hollywood (Nixon) and New York (John F. Kennedy) carried by all networks. Transcript, Freedom of Communications p. 204.  See also this page of our Website.
  • 10/21/60 Fourth Debate originated from ABC New York carried by all networks. Transcript,  Freedom of Communications p. 260.  See also this page of our Website.
    Complete Results, Closeness of Results,

Eulogies to the Late President Delivered in the United States Capitol, 11/24/63

Events, Kennedy Administration:  Excerpts from White House Parties and Entertaining in the White House 

Executive Order 11110: On June 4, 1963 President Kennedy signed this virtually unknown Presidential decree, which had the authority to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest, essentially putting the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank out of business. The order returned to the federal government, specifically the Treasury Department, the Constitutional power to create and issue currency without going through the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. President Johnson reversed the order shortly after taking office in November, 1963. Some conspiracy theorists believe this executive order was the cause of President Kennedy's assassination.

Eye Color: greenish gray


Fallout shelters in homes of

Favorite books

Favorite books as a child

Favorite Color: "If the President had a favorite color, it probably would have been blue." Dave Powers, personal friend and aide, 2/17/94

Favorite Flower:  Always carried a blue bachelor's button in lapel. After his death, a white rose was named for John F. Kennedy.

Favorite Foods: Ice cream with hot fudge, New England Fish Chowder (White House Chef was Rene Verdon). Details

Favorite Movies: The President especially liked westerns. Some of his favorite movies were "The Longest Day," "Roman Holiday," "Spartacus" (with Kurt Douglas), "Bad Day at Black Rock" (with Spencer Tracy), and "Iwo Jima" (with John Wayne). He also liked the actor Randolph Scott.

Favorite poem:  "Ulysses" by Tennyson

Favorite Proverb: "Know Thyself" by Socrates and the Oracle of Delphi

Favorite Quotations:

  • "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke
  • From One Man's America, by Alistair Cooke: On the 19th of May, 1780, as Mr. Cooke describes it, in Hartford, Connecticut, the skies at noon turned from blue to gray and by mid-afternoon had blackened over so densely that, in that religious age, men fell on their knees and begged a final blessing before the end came. The Connecticut House of Representatives was in session. And as some men fell down in the darkened chamber and others clamored for an immediate adjournment, the Speaker of the House, one Colonel Daveport, came to his feet. And he silenced the din with these words: "The Day of Judgment is either approaching or it is not. If it is not, there is no cause for adjournment. If it is, I choose to be found doing my duty. I wish, therefore, that candles may be brought."
  • Dante
  • Shakespeare

Favorite Sports: Golf, Sailing, Swimming, Tennis

Favorite Songs:

"I believe that Hail to the Chief has a nice ring."
The Boys of Wexford
The Wearin' o' the Green
Londonderry Air
Kelly, the Boy from Killane
The Minstrel Boy
Beyond the Blue Horizon
When Irish Eyes are Smiling
Danny Boy
As a boy, John F. Kennedy enjoyed the Nutcracker Suite


  • 50-Mile Hikes, Packet sent to interested individuals: President's Council on Physical Fitness Press Release 2/12/63 

  • audio"Chicken Fat" -- This song to accompany and encourage children engaged in the exercise routine devised by the President's Council on Physical Fitness was written by Meredith Willson, creator of The Music Man, and sung by Robert Preston, the musical's star.


Ford, Gerald R., Letters to President Kennedy

Before becoming president, Gerald R. Ford had a long and honorable career in the House of Representatives.  In addition to representing their districts and states in their respective chambers, members of the House and Senate have a responsibility to provide a direct and human voice for their constituents in dealings with the White House.  We have selected a few of the letters that then-Representative Ford wrote to President Kennedy concerning matters of importance to him and the people who elected him.

image Note thanking the President for condolences on the death of Ford's father, February 10, 1962

image Letter in support of a Senate bill on the Census, October 11, 1962

document  Letter requesting information on the Bay of Pigs prisoner exchange, December 20, 1962

image Request for a letter from the President to a Michigan Boy Scout troop, April 16, 1963


Frost, Robert:  Poem read at President Kennedy's Inauguration:  " The Gift Outright." Frost had composed a longer poem,  " For John F. Kennedy His Inauguration," but was apparently unable to see his text in the mid-day glare and recited the older poem instead.

documentAfter Action Report
Casket Information: President Kennedy had two caskets. The first, used in transit from Parkland Memorial Hospital to Bethesda Naval Hospital was an 800 pound Britannia model. This casket was damaged when it was removed from Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base on November 22, 1963. The second or burial casket was selected at Gawlor's Funeral Parlor in Washington, D.C.. This was a very expensive ($2460) Marcellus No. 710 of hand rubbed, 500 year old African mahogany upholstered in white rayon.
Eulogies at U.S. Capitol

Grave site Info/Design
Pallbearers info


Gathering with the President, Arthur Schlesinger's Notes on a

Gifts to John F. Kennedy as President: During his administration, President Kennedy accepted numerous gifts from foreign heads of states. While Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution prohibits the President from personally accepting gifts, the gifts presented to the President were for the people of the United States, and he accepted them on their behalf.

Godfather: Thomas A. Fitzgerald (maternal uncle)

Godmother: Loretta Connelly (aunt)

Grave:  Description, Inscription on Granite Wall below grave
Children: On December 4, 1963 the bodies of John F. Kennedy's unnamed baby girl, still-born on August 23, 1956, and Patrick Bouvier Kennedy, who died on August 9, 1963 two days after birth, were brought to Washington, D.C. aboard the Kennedy Family plane, the "Caroline," then interred in graves on either side of their father, the girl to the right, the boy to the left, at Arlington National Cemetery. They were moved along with their father to the permanent grave on March 14, 1967.

Guernsey's Auction


Hair color: Reddish brown.

Handkerchiefs: Did not use.

Harvard years:

Address 1939-40: Winthrop House F 14
Field of Concentration: Government
Graduation Date: June 20, 1940, S. B. cum Laude

Hats: John F. Kennedy famously did not like to wear hats, although the story that his dislike caused the decline of the hat industry in the 1960s is merely legend. When he did have to wear one, his hat size was 7 3/8.

Height: 6' 1"

"High Hopes" lyrics


Honorary Degrees Received

Hot Line: Installed on August 30, 1963 in the aftermath of the Cuban missile crisis. It was apparently a White House response to a 1960 suggestion to President John F. Kennedy made by Jess Gorkin, editor of Parade, the Sunday supplement magazine. Gorkin felt that if the US Air Force Strategic Air Command could link itself instantly with 70 bases in 10 countries on four continents via an emergency "red telephone" system, the White House could do the same with the heads of foreign governments. The first use of the hot line was made in 1967 during the Arab-Israeli War when Soviet leader Alexei Kosygin queried President Lyndon Johnson about a foray of US planes. Johnson explained that they were planes from the US Sixth Fleet helping an American ship that had been attacked in the Mediterranean. Regular communication between the two leaders on the hot line helped shorten the war to six days.

Hyannis Memorial: engraved around the reflecting pool of this memorial are the words, "I believe it is important that this country sail and not lie still in the harbor". (from Radio and Television address to the American People on the State of the National Economy, August 13, 1962)


"I Have a Rendezvous with Death" by Alan Seeger

Immigration, Family: Pat Kennedy (great grandfather), age 29, arrived from Ireland aboard the Washington Irving on April 22, 1849 in Boston, Massachusetts.


Oath: Administered by Chief Justice Earl Warren; Bible held by Clerk of the Supreme Court James Browning, later a Federal Appellate Judge in the 9th district with offices in San Francisco.
See the Boston Globe, Saturday, January 21, 1961 for a story on the family's children during the inaugural.

Inaugural Address: Less than 1900 words (the shortest since 1905), between 16-17 minutes long.

Irish Mafia: According to Dave Powers, the title was given in jest early in the 1960 Presidential Campaign to all the men of Irish descent who worked closely with President Kennedy.


James Bond: According to Allen Dulles, Jacqueline Kennedy gave her husband his first James Bond book (probably From Russia, with Love ). Dulles then began to buy other books, and sent them to John F. Kennedy. The two often talked about James Bond. Novels and mysteries were relatively rare in Kennedy's reading, except for his interest in Bond.


Kerry, John:   imageLetter to the Administration, imageDungan Reply, imageLetter to John F. Kennedy

Key Ring:  Did not have one



First bill signed into law: (PL 87-3) an act restoring military rank to former President Eisenhower. Signed 3/22/61.

Last bill signed into law: (PL 88-185) authorizing the striking of medals to commemorate the founding of the first union health center of the ILGWU. Signed 11/20/63.

Summaries of legislation passed during Kennedy years are contained in the publication Summary of the Three-year Kennedy Record and Digest of Major Accomplishments of the Eighty-seventh Congress and the Eighty-eighth Congress, United States Congress.

Length of Jacket: 32

License: #53332D

License Plate: As senator: MA-1995

Limousine, Presidential: 1961 Lincoln Continental Presidential Limousine - "X-100." Painted navy blue. Forty three inches longer and nearly three and one half inches higher than the present production model. Equipped with two jump seats, the car could seat six adults. The blue interior had mouton carpeting on the floor, a wool broadcloth roof interior and all leather seats. Storage space for machine guns under the front seat and in the trunk compartment. Rear seat power operated and rose approximately ten and one half inches, putting the President in full view. Contained foot stands for the President's feet. Accessories: two flagstaffs (one on each front fender), two flashing type red lights located just above the front bumper, a siren, two spotlights for the flags on the fender, a two way radio telephone, an A-M radio and speaker in the rear compartment, a floodlight to illuminate the rear seat, lap robes incorporating the Presidential Seal, grab handles, a first aid kit, emergency light fire extinguisher. A continental rear tire arrangement at the rear held the spare tire. On either side of the tire was a stand for secret service men, as well as toward the front and rear on each side. The assassination reversed the trend toward visibility that had guided presidential car designs since World War II. The X-100 was rebuilt in 1964 as an armored car with a permanent top. It was used in that configuration until 1977. Parade cars designed since have been bullet-resistant vehicles as well.

Loewy, Raymond: See Stamp, John F. Kennedy Memorial


MacArthur statement by John F. Kennedy, April 11, 1957 (Boston Post)

Military Special Unit (Seals) information: A small, special-section unit that could be launched from any of the three elements to perform missions on, under, or around the water (the abbreviation SEAL stands for Sea, Air, Land). Background information.

Movies: The following are some of the movies that John F. Kennedy saw during his presidency:

Spartacus, February 3, 1961
The World of Apu, February 16, 1961
One-Eyed Jack, March 30, 1961
All in a Night's Work, April 2, 1961

See also "Favorites".


Navy years:

Draft number information: While at Stanford in 1940, John F. Kennedy registered for the draft. Thirteen days later Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, blindfolded, reached into the ten-gallon "fishbowl" and began drawing numbers for the draft lottery. On the eighteenth draw he pulled out number 2748, Kennedy's. As a college student, however, he was able to defer until July of 1941.

Separation info:
Serial # 116071/1109

Medals and Awards: 
Navy and Marine Corps Medal
Purple Heart Medal
American Defense Service Medal
American Campaign Medal (LST-449 P19-1)
Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal (with 3 bronze stars) (PT-59 P24-4)
World War II Victory Medal (PT-109 )21-1)

Navy, Seal of, general information and quotation: The first navy seal, the Board of Admiralty Seal, was adopted by the Continental Congress on May 4, 1780. On the outer circle is written "USA Sigil Naval" (USA Navy Seal). On the inner circle is written "Sustentans et Sustentatum," which can be translated as "Those defending and who will never surrender," "They are defending and will never surrender," or "We are defending and will hold forever." The new Navy Seal was adopted in 1957 and reads simply "Department of the Navy United States of America."

Neck: 15 1/2 

Newspapers: Those read on a daily basis included the  Baltimore Sun, Chicago Tribune, The Christian Science Monitor, New York Herald Tribune, New York News, New York Times, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Washington Star


Officials of the Kennedy Administration (January 20, 1961-November 22, 1963)

Off-the-Record Press Briefing:
3/27/62, Department of State Foreign Policy Briefing Conference.

Oval Office: Listing of items in office and on desk


Pavlick, N.Y. Times article, 17/17/60

Passports: 1941 and 1947.

Pending Legislation as of 10/25/63.

Pens used by: President Kennedy had a Shaeffer pen on his desk that he never used and that did not work. When he signed items at his desk he liked to use pens dipped in ink. If he was signing something with pens that he gave away to visiting dignitaries and other individuals, he liked to use Parker ball point pens that were engraved with his signature. He used an Esterbrook ink pen to sign items from the oval office.

Pets in White House: Two parakeets: Bluebell and Maybell; Three dogs: Charlie, Pushinka and Clipper; Two ponies: Macaroni and Tex. Complete List

Poetry relating to "Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye"

Ponies: See "pets."

Portraits: The portraits of John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline B. Kennedy hanging in the White House were painted by Aaron Shikler.

Posthumous Awards received:  Four Freedoms Award, see "Kennedy is Given Freedoms Award," The New York Times, May 26, 1965.

Preferences: See "Favorites"

Presidential Medal of Freedom: General Info 

Profiles in Courage: Pulitzer Prize Citation, Letter from Evan Thomas

PT 109:

General Info: P.T. 109 was built by the Elco Naval Division of the Electric Post Company in Bayonne, N.J. It was delivered to the Navy on July 10, 1942. Fitting was completed at the New York Naval Shipyard. Lieutenant John F. Kennedy took command of P.T. 109 on April 24, 1942. He was the third commander of the ship. It was cut in two by the Japanese destroyer Amagari on 8/2/43.
General information on PT boats
Words on Coconut: Young Lieutenant Kennedy sent a message by way of friendly islanders who had found him and his men after their shipwreck. The message was composed of these words carved into the skin of a coconut: NAURO ISL...COMMANDER...NATIVE KNOWS POS'IT...HE CAN PILOT...11ALIVE...NEED SMALL BOAT...KENNEDY




Reading Speed: John F. Kennedy could read 1200 words a minute.  In 1954-1955 he attended meetings at the Foundation for Better Reading in Baltimore.

Rocking chair: John F. Kennedy originally saw this chair in 1955 at the office of Dr. Janet Travell, who suggested that he use it to alleviate his back pain. The original chair, made by the P&P Chair Company (model 800), was given to then Senator Kennedy by his father. Kennedy brought the chair to the Oval Office, where it stood near the fire place. The design was modified by Lawrence J. Arata, former White House upholsterer (deceased September 1979). A stripped down version is available from: P&P Chair Co., 532 W. Salisbury Street, Ashboro, NC, 27203. With cushions: Larry Arata, Inc., 1702 Forest Lane, McClean, VA 22101. The plaque on the back of the chair is inscribed: "Presented to President John F. Kennedy by Commander Carrier Division One and USS Kitty Hawk CVA-63, June 6, 1963" and refers to the embroidered chair cushions presented to the President by the crew of the USS Kitty Hawk.

Roosevelt Day Message:  January, 1961


Seat: 41

Senator Kennedy's Voting Record and Stands on Issues, 1960

Senate Office: Room #362 Senate Office Building

Shirts and Suits worn by

Shoe: 10C

Sleeve: 34, Undersleeve: 17 1/2

Social Security Number: 026-22-3747.

Space: imageKennedy memo to Vice President Johnson, April 20, 1961documentJohnson Response to President Kennedy, April 28, 1961


Stamp, John F. Kennedy Memorial: The stamp issued by the United States Postal Service was designed by Raymond Loewy, a friend of President Kennedy's, in collaboration with Jacqueline Kennedy. It was issued on the President's birthday the year after his death, 29 May 1964. Loewy also worked with the President to redesign the exterior of Air Force One in 1963. Since his work on the stamp was not a commission, Loewy received dedicated first-day-of-issue canceled letters from members of the Kennedy family.  Hundreds of stamps honoring President Kennedy have been issued by numerous countries throughout the world.  The USPS has issued two further stamps with President Kennedy on them.  A 13 cent stamp was released on May 29, 1967 to mark the President's 50th birthday anniversary, and a 22 cent stamp was issued on May 22, 1986.

Statue, Massachusetts State House: Dedicated 29 May, 1990. In a brief note to the Library, sculptor Isabel McIlvaine explained the maple leaf symbolism used in the piece: "The leaves symbolize death - they have fallen and are curled up. The 'noses' (I have called them wings) are the seeds - they symbolize the obvious - the aspects, ideas, good qualities left as a legacy, left to live and grow by the object now dead."

Sunglasses worn by: Two pairs of glasses with tortoise shell frame, one with inscriptions "American Optical" and "True color Polaroid tc74-51" and the other with "Cabana TS 2505." 


Telephone calls information from Evelyn Lincoln.

Television appearances before 26 September 1960

Ticker Tape Parade--New York City, 10/19/60

Treaty between Earl of Ormonde and O'Kennedy, 1336 AD: Original was presented to John F. Kennedy by Sean Lemass in June, 1963.


1951 Trip:
When he visited somewhere, John F. Kennedy was less interested in his surroundings than in who he talked to and his impressions from his talks, but the following is what can be gleaned from the notes in his trip diary as to dates and places visited.
October 3 – Paris (from Frankfurt – train)
October 7 – Tel Aviv (via Rome)
October 8 – Teheran
October 12 – Karachi
October 13 – New Delhi
October 16 – Bangkok, then Saigon, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, Taipei, Tokyo


USS Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Model in the White House: Given to the President by the officers and men of the Kennedy. Constructed by PM2 Richard G. McClure of the USS Yosemite.


Vandiver, Letter Governor, 10/26/60 re Martin Luther King's prison sentence


Waist: 32 inches

Wallet: Folding pocket billfold

Wedding Details

Weight: 172 1/2 pounds

White House Police Log Information

Will:  Published in Collins, Herbert R and Weaver, David B. Wills of the U.S. Presidents. New York: Communication Channels; 1976.

Wristwatch: Lord Elgin. Given to him on his birthday, 1952. The square face of the watch is a light brown/gold color and it has a dark brown leather (alligator?) band. Only the numbers 2, 4, 8, 10, and 12 appear on the dial. In place of the number 6 is a small square second hand. On the back is: 4 karat gold, but no other identifying numbers or letters.


Zapruder, Abraham:  Inquirers have often asked about contacts between the President and Mr. Zapruder, who took the famous footage of the assassination.  Although we have not found any correspondence between Abraham Zapruder and John F. Kennedy, there is in our files a single letter from Mr. Zapruder's sonimageHenry Zapruder.


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