Based on their popularity as reflected by sales, World Training Institute has selected texts and other media that will help you improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your organization or office.

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1) The Paralegal's Desk Reference
Steve Albrecht, et al / Macmillan General Reference / April 1993 Our Price: $10.36 You Save: $2.59

2) Corporate Secretary's Book of Agreements Correspondence, Forms, and Resolutions
Dana Shilling / Prentice Hall Trade / Our Price: $55.96 You Save: $23.99

3) 21st Century Office Assistant's Manual , Princeton Language Institute (Editor), et al / Laureleaf / January 1996 Our Price: $4.79 You Save: $1.20

4) The Professional Secretary's Book of Lists , Mary A. De Vries / Prentice Hall Trade / December 1995 Our Price: $20.97

5) Katharine Gibbs Handbook of Business English, Michelle Quinn, Martha Quinn / Collier Books / May 1987 Our Price: $4.76

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