The World Training Institute operates as a 501 c 3 not-for-profit organization, a network of volunteer experts in diverse fields such as auditing, finance, electronics, training, and security. We offer training programs for business to identify and promote the most effective and efficient training and technology for organizations. Our experts handle business management training issues, allowing clients to focus on their mission. The World Training Institute continues operations directed by John Ernst after the death of its founder, Joseph Sullivan.  

In addition to training programs, World Training Institute offers consulting services, operational and security audits, quality control and management of business communications for translating into other Eurasian languages and web broadcast video-conferencing systems.


World Training Institute provides essential books for auditors and other accounting professionals, as well as Continuing Professional Education credit for our on-site training programs. In association with, we recommend the most requested business titles , as well as useful books and other media for individuals and organizations. 


World Training Institute provides on-site training and internet or intranet-based certification programs, affirming due diligence on issues such as preventing sexual harassment, managing cultural diversity, and ensuring computer network security. Contact


