Not necessarily true but interesting: COUNTER-VIEW
Ukraine.htm: IS THE New York Times Supporting US Imperial Lawlessness by  Stephen Lendman
Read the sovereignty claim unreported by media:

Ukraine's lingua franca is Surzhyk, a motley mix of Ukrainian and Russian ( sometimes with bits of Hungarian, Romanian and Polish). [Most recent: A new report from the Oakland Institute, Walking on the West Side: the World Bank and the IMF in the Ukraine Conflict,exposes how the international financial institutions swooped in on the heels of the political upheaval and are vying to deregulate and throw open Ukraine’s vast agricultural sector to foreign investors [ the ones who ruined US farmland!] . Former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych’s rejection of an EU Association agreement in favor of a Russian deal was a major factor in the crisis that led to his CIA ousting in February 2014. Immediately following the change to a pro-EU government, the country’s pivot to the West was solidified with a $17 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and an additional $3.5 billion aid package from the World Bank, both of which require significant economic reforms and austerity measures that are set to have disastrous effects within the nation. Chart showing support for Russian as a second language.

Eye on the Prize: Europe’s “Breadbasket” plus oil and natural gas 
Shows gas pipeline through Ukraine to Euromarket  US Oil Giant (Tillerson) Sides With Putin RT network is a “propaganda bullhorn”     Claim Russia invaded the Crimea: Shows the oil field politics behind the issues. NY Times selective reporting : “cherry picking”
U.S. Media Lie, Yet Again     May 28, 2014  Russia paranoia? first-strike” attack
Questions About Ukraine's Downing of MH17

Series continues to the latest on the “new cold war.”


It bears repeating what previous articles stressed. All the news Times editors call “fit to print” isn’t quite fit to read.  Managed news misinformation substitutes for truth and full disclosure. It’s in lockstep with US monied interests.  Pro-Western propaganda is featured. It’s pro-war, pro-business, anti-populist, and anti-government of, by, for everyone equitably, justly and fairly


It supports imperial lawlessness. Times editors endorse all US campaigns against sovereign independent countries. They’re in lockstep with efforts to topple them. They support Obama’s war on Syria. They wrongfully blame Assad for his crimes of war, against humanity and genocide. They vilify leaders Washington opposes. They’ve waged propaganda war on Ukraine. They did so since US-orchestrated street violence erupted last November. They wrongfully blame Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych for months of anti-government street rioting. Obama bears full responsibility. EU partners share it. Don’t expect Times editors to explain.  So-called moderate elements don’t exist. Fascist extremists usurped power. Times editors turn a blind eye to reality. They endorse what demands condemnation. They betray their readers in the process.   On February 24, they headlined “Ukraine’s Uncertain Future.” They straightaway bashed Yanukovych. “The venal president of Ukraine is on the run,” they said. They endorsed lawless anti-government rioting. It’s “not clear who is in charge,” they claim.   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Ukraine Receives New Weapons December 7, 2014 by Eric Zuesse.

The Government of Ukraine held a ceremony on Saturday, December 6th, with the country’s President, Petro Poroshenko, reviewing newly donated weapons, from undisclosed donors.   According to the official announcement, “The Armed Forces’ units received tanks Т-64BМ ‘Bulat’, tanks Т-64 BV, Т-72 B1, Т-72UA, Т-72A, BТR-3е and BТR-4е, self-propelled artillery 2C1 and helicopters Mi-8 and Mi-2. The President personally inspected all.” Poroshenko said: “We are providing the troops with new armored vehicles, precise anti-tank means, counterbattery means, means of communication and protection systems. At the same time, we are holding negotiations with our partners on the procurement of modern weapons that are not produced in Ukraine.”   Weapons bought from other countries can be paid for only with borrowed money, because the Government of Ukraine is basically broke and soaring even deeper into debt, and is sharply cutting back on pensions and other expenditures than military, which is receiving the Government’s virtually total focus. Any added loans will never be able to be paid back, because Ukraine will not be able to pay back all of the existing loans. Consequently, all countries that are now ‘lending’ additional funds to Ukraine are simply donating to Ukraine. Furthermore, the IMF is demanding that the breakaway Ukrainian areas be conquered in order for additional loans to be made to the Ukrainian Government. So, all newly loaned money will be going to Ukraine’s military.  Here are the new tanks:

These weapons will be sent to the southeast, in order to conquer the breakaway republics that reject the regime that was forced upon them on February 22nd, in an extremely violent coup against the then-existing President, Viktor Yanukovych, for whom the residents in that area had voted approximately 90%. That rejection of the coup-regime sparked an on-again, off-again, invasion from the Ukrainian armed forces, which can be seen at various sites, such as here and here and here and here.  The official announcement of this ceremony said that the new weapons will “help Ukrainian warriors win and liberate the Ukrainian territories from the occupants.”

The election of President Poroshenko was held only in the areas of Ukraine that accepted the coup-imposed regime. “The occupants” (as the President there referred to them) in the other area did not participate in that election, the election of him, though his Government demands they accept that Government as representing them, nonetheless. After the new regime started dropping bombs on them, and sending tanks in to kill as many of them as fast as possible, their determination not to accept this Government only hardened.  The last Ukrainian Government election in which those people, “the occupants,” were voting, occurred in 2010, at which Viktor Yanukovych won above 80% in some districts, and above 90% in other districts. A map showing the vote in each district of Ukraine, in that election — the last fully national Ukrainian election — can be seen here:

It’s very clear what’s ongoing. Xenophobic, ultranationalist, militant, fascist, hate-mongering anti-Semites usurped power. [See Operation Paperclip] Nazi symbolism is openly displayed. Sieg Heil (hail victory) salutes are increasingly commonplace. Washington openly backs fascist Svoboda party leader Oleh Tyahnybok. Last December, even the UK-controlled BBC called his behavior “over-the-top.”  In 2004, Tyahnybok was expelled from former President Viktor Yushchenko’s parliamentary faction. He was condemned for urging Ukrainians to fight against a “Muscovite-Jewish mafia.” In 2005, he denounced “criminal activities” of “organized Jewry.” He outrageously claimed they plan “genocide” against Ukrainians.”   Rada delegate Yuriy Mykhalchyshyn is a Svoboda ideologue. He openly quotes Joseph Goebbels. He founded the Joseph Goebbels Political Research Center. It’s a neo-Nazi think tank. Tyahnybok extremism didn’t deter Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland. On February 6, she met openly with him and other anti-government leaders.  In early January, 15,000 ultranationalists held a torchlight march through Kiev. They did so to honor Nazi-era collaborator/mass murderer Stepan Bandera. Some wore uniforms a Wehrmacht Ukrainian division used in WW II. Others chanted “Ukraine above all” and “Bandera, come and bring order.”  Fascist elements infest Washington. In the 1940s, Bandera supporters founded the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA). Today it includes 20 Ukrainian organizations with over 75 branches throughout America. They actively lobby Washington.

They’re ideologically over-the-top. They organized anti-Yanukovych rallies in US cities. marched through downtown Chicago. openly displayed Bandera red and black banners. According to the Chicago Historical Society, over 45,000 city residents claim Ukrainian ancestry. 

New York Times editors ignore what demands headlines. They suppress important news and information readers need to know.  They support efforts to lock Ukraine into IMF debt bondage. They want Russia “prevent(ed) from undermining any rescue plan…”They claim Washington and EU partners aren’t “promoting a government dominated by (ultra)nationalists.” They called what’s ongoing “a decisive moment for…Putin.” Kremlin policy is “vindictive,” they said. They bashed Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. He justifiably called what happened an “armed mutiny.”They accused Putin of inventing “Western conspiracies behind all challenges to his will.”  They claim “a vindictive Russia could easily make things more miserable by closing the border or raising gas prices.” They falsely claim Ukrainians “believe their future is with the values and practices of the West. Eastern Ukrainians comprise nearly half the country’s population.  They overwhelmingly opposed Washington’s orchestrated putsch. Their leaders openly denounced fascist coup plotters usurping power in Kiev.

What we know for sure about the situation in Ukraine is exactly what we know about Syria, Iran, and previously in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan:  the same “leaders” in US government and corporate media giving information about Ukraine lied to us about other wars. For one example, official US documentation proves that all of the reasons for war on Iraq and Afghanistan were known to be false as they were toldCurrent US wars are not even close to being lawful. Two US treaties require that military armed attack is only lawful when another nation’s government attacks your nation first (or is an imminent threat).   Times editors outrageously call post-coup Ukraine “democratic.” They endorse what demands denunciation.


Claim Made: The falsification of history: "Ukraine" is not an independent country

Behind the news on Russian links : See
Series runs to Nicholas Nicholaides Katehon 17 Nov 2016

Series starts at: and  Shows gas pipeline through Ukraine Shows the oil field politics behind the issues.
Series continues to
the latest on the “new cold war.”


Claim: Ukraine has degenerated from a Russian/Soviet region into an American colony.

The territory currently called Ukraine has never been a state or a country, nor will it ever be. It was always a part of another, real country or, even more frequently, divided between other real states such as Poland, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, and most importantly Russia. Of course, according to the Kiev Nazi junta the Trojan War was fought between "Ukrainian tribes", Alexander the Great was secretly "proto-Ukrainian" and the Byzantine Empire was a "Ukrainian colony," but for the rest of the world the fact remains that there is not one single historical document or reference that refers to "Ukraine" as a state or an independent country. As much as "Ukrop" nationalists would like, they cannot change "old" history as they try to do with modern history, as they do, for example, in whitewashing the war criminal, Nazi collaborator, and mass-murderer Bandera. The Kiev Nazi junta tries to falsify even "old" history, but ancient and medieval authors and sources are too well known and too well documented to be falsified so easily.

It is a proven and a well-known fact that the first Russian state was Kievan Rus - take note: "Rus," not Ukraine! It is also well known that the very word "Ukraine" is from the old Russian world which refers never to a country, but to the mere border region between the countries and empires mentioned above. Later, the word "Ukraine" was used for the westernmost parts of the Russian Empire. When the Russian Empire expanded southwards, the new territories that were liberated from mostly Turkish occupation were called Novorossiya, or New Russia. Again, no mention of "Ukraine"! These are also well-known and proven historical facts. The north-eastern parts of the territory were called Malorossiya, or Little Russia. Unfortunately, the communist leaders of the USSR chose to put all of these parts together into a new Soviet republic and called the combination "Ukraine". They also added the only historically non-Russian part, Galicia, to this new republic and later added Crimea as a "gift" (by Ukrainian born Nikita Kruschev ), and all of this without calling the territory (minus Galicia) by its real, historical names: Novorossiya and Malorossiya. This was done partly by coincidence and partly for convenience, because most of this large territory had formerly been the "borderlands" of Russia.

When the USSR was broken up by internal treason and against the will of the vast majority of the people as shown by the 1991 referendum, the Americans could, by controlling their puppet, the alcoholic traitor Yeltsin, ensure that the genuine Russian parts of the Soviet Union, i.e., most of the Ukrainian SSR such as Novorossiya and Malorossiya, were left outside of Russia and not returned to the Russian Federation. This was of course done to weaken the new Russian state, and not out of any compassion for the new pseudo-state of "Ukraine". Now the main task of any Russian government must not be to arrange football world championships or build Disneylands, but liberate and return Russian lands such as Novorossiya and Malorossiya to Mother Russia. The best way to start is to help the Army of Novorossiya liberate lands stretching from Kharkov to Odessa and east of the Dnepr.

By the way, how can the Ukrainian regime even dream of being a country when they are subsidized by the US and, at the same time, sell their people's assets to foreigners? That is not a country, that is a colony. It takes more than re-naming streets and villages after Nazi criminals to become a real country.

Comment: See also: Will President Trump ditch the bad investment otherwise known as Ukraine? There isn't "borderland on its own" By: Zbigniew The term "Ukraine" in both old-Polish and old-Russian languages means nothing more, than just "borderland". So there is a question: WHOSE borderland? It may be borderland of Poland. It may be borderland of Russia. But surely it cannot be "just borderland", with no connection to any "mainland" – right? S.c. "Ukrainian nation" has been invented by Austrians in beginnings of XX century. When it became obvious, that Austro-Hungarian empire may fall, they invented "Ukrainians" to prevent the revival of a larger and stronger Poland. "Good, old" strategy, invented by ancient Romans themselves ("divide et impera").